Father does not come here to sell you an illusion. In the quilt of life of Jesus is the stitch that hold it together shirt. I come here to say that believe in Jesus! Jesus is not an illusion! God is always with us. On the brink of life, He draws near to our failures, our weaknesses, our sins, to transform them. One can endure hard work in formation to achieve results! The difficulties can not make the child afraid, but make the children excited to go further. Listen to the words of Jesus telling you to go to the bottom of the net! Listen obediently to the Word of God: It is He, His Word, and His follower who makes the determination to bear witness of you. When efforts to foster trust among your friends seem futile, remember that with Jesus all change.
United States
POD Print On Demand T-shirt - In the quilt of life of Jesus is the stitch that hold it together shirt: https://checkout.picturestees.com/155218099-1361197855.html

Guys tee


Tank top

Ladies tee
Take a few steps over yourself, small steps, but step by step out of yourself toward God and others, opening your heart to communion, friendship and solidarity. We listen to the above words of Jesus: “Do not be troubled by your heart, believe in God and believe in me …” Ask, what will our lives be like if atheism, If Christians do not practice and constantly live their faith, they are strengthened by the direction of Heaven, where man can meet Christ? “I am going to make room for you, so that where you are, you will be there.” So, do not be anxious because of the uncertainty of the planet, the friendship changes, or the heart of the change of heart. Believe in God and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.
In the quilt of life of Jesus is the stitch that hold it together sweater, hoodie, and long sleeve


Long sleeve

Home: Halloween t shirt.
From: SeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember shirt.
Source: MerryChristmas shirt.
From: SeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember shirt.
Source: MerryChristmas shirt.
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